⚬ To develop sense of social responsibility in the region
⚬ To develop the sense of togetherness & harmony in the region
⚬ To create social awareness through distinguished cultural activities.
⚬ The practice aims to know people various burning issues like women’s suppression, suicide of the farmers and to encourage them to face the problems through various plays, dance programmes having social them
Earn while Learn
⚬ The main objective of the scheme is to help the poor and needy students so as to pursue the higher education independently.
⚬ To overcome financial issues of the students.
⚬ To promote them to pursue education in spite of adversities.
⚬ To make higher education accessible and available to the poor, needy and meritorious students.
⚬ Encourage young students to learn about dignity of Labor.
Jal-kranti Abhiyan
⚬ Revival of traditional knowledge and sources for water conservation and utilization
⚬ Encouraging conjunctive use of surface and groundwater
⚬ Promotion of appropriate technologies for efficient and sustainable use of rainwater.
⚬ Creation of additional facilities for water conservation through construction of water
⚬ Promotion of social regulation for otimizing the use‐efficiency of water for various purposes especially agriculture and domestic