National Service Scheme (NSS)

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National Service Scheme (NSS) has been introduced at Savitribai Phule Pune University since 1969 as a part of the academic programs. The overall objective of the scheme is educational and service to the community is the activity through which the objective is sought to be achieved.

It is a student-cantered program in which projects are implemented by the NSS volunteers in the community in close collaboration with the community and thereby it provides vast scope for the student's interaction with the people. The Motto of the N.S.S is 'Not Me But You'. Objective of the N.S.S is development of the personality of student through Community Service. This scheme is under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India and NSS cell, Higher and technical education, Govt. of Maharashtra.

The National Service Scheme is the real third dimension of Higher Education System close to social realities and community concern i.e., developing a living link with community by the institution of higher learning helps in marching towards the prosperity of the mankind. The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a government sponsored public service program conducted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India. History In year 1958, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru took initiative and advised the academicians to suggest the programme to involve student youth in social service activities. Popularly known as NSS, the scheme was launched in Mahatma Gandhi’s Centenary year on 24th September 1969 which aimed at developing student's personality through community service. In May 1969, a conference of student representatives (of universities and institutions of higher education), convened by the Ministry of Education and the University Grants Commission, unanimously agreed that a national level service scheme could be an instrument for national integration. Motto The Motto of NSS “Not Me But You” is a sense of expression of the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other man’s point of view and also to underline that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of society as a whole. 24th September is celebrated every year as NSS Day with great enthusiasm and pride.

The NSS Unit of A. S. C. College, Rahata is established since commencement of the college, working efficiently and actively involved in all community oriented programs, outreach activities and extension activities of the college, university and various government bodies as well as NGO’s. Presently NSS unit has sanctioned strength of 250 volunteers for regular activities and 125 volunteers for special camp activities. Since from 1997, the NSS unit is involved in Tree Plantation, Cleanliness programs, health awareness programs, Blood donation camp, Aids awareness program, Beti bachav beti padhav, Renewable energy awareness, blood chekup, Water analysis, Socio Economical survey, street plays, traffic awareness, Conservation of water resources, etc. The activities of NSS always encourages volunteers to understand community, to imbibe good relationship with society, national integration and to increase awareness about social issues. With utter zeal and enthusiasm, the work continues to serve the society throughout the year.

ADOPTED VILLAGE :- Ekrukhe, Tehsil – Rahata
NSS OFFICERS :- Dr. S. R. Potdar (co-ordinator), Dr. R. D. Kasar, Dr. R. N. Wakchaure

ACTIVITIES :-NSS conducts various activities for community service as per the guidelines of SPPU.

Regular Activities Special Camp
Cleaning Drives Historical Survey
Tree Plantation at college campus Cleaning Campaign at Adopted Village
Organization of HIV/AIDS awareness rally Awareness Campaign ( Free open Defecation Rally, Women Empowerment, Enviornment Awareness, Road Safety, Health Awareness )
Personality Development Programme Tree Plantation & Gardening
Women Empowerment Programme Special Guidance by Experts
Blood Donation Camp Water Conservation Campaign
Essay Writing Competition Cultural Programmes on burning Social Issues
Voting Awareness Campaign Blood Donation Camp
Counseling Students to improve behavior and make them ethical managers of society Health Checkup ( Blood Group/HB)

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